Personal Projects
A good PM knows a lot about many things. A great PM practices them.
I truly love experiences, both as a person as well as a designer, so exploration and creation are a nature of mine that keeps me open minded to learn anything.
During the years, and in parallel to any paying job, I always create experiences I am personally passionate about - from children books (4!) and 3D modeling to to making hand made chocolates.
Children's Books
4 children's books, one interactive
Owner, writer, producer
This series of children's books I wrote about what my son and I have learned during his ages of 0 to 4.
The twist - this is a book the parent will enjoy too, because each fold shows both the child's and the parent's point of view of the same situation with humor and honesty.
Get a copy of the 3rd book
Educational game (4-12 y/o), mobile
Founder, PM, GD, UX
As part of gamifying the experience of kids visiting the dentist with an interior design firm, I was leading the digital experience presented on a dedicated tablet in the waiting room.
The app, wallpapers, dentist chair and even the doors were branded, alongside life-size dolls of the game characters.